Heidi Sibben Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Heidi Sibben Memorial Scholarship was created to provide continuing education opportunities to MNSWAP members. Heidi Sibben, a pioneer in the early development of Minnesota’s Activity Professionals Association, was instrumental in promoting education opportunities and professional growth to Activity Professionals working in aging services. Through contributions from members and other sources, MNSWAP is able to offer several scholarships each year for continuing education.
2024 Scholarship Application is Closed
Application Requirements:
- The Heidi Sibben Memorial fund is available to any current MNSWAP member, with the exception of all Board Members, to use for educational opportunities in the field of activities and aging services. The funds can be used for conventions, workshops, seminars, or other educational pursuits.
- The following options are available for the scholarship funds;
• $100.00 toward an educational event other than MNSWAP
• MNSWAP fall conference
• MNSWAP spring seminar - Money must be used for education and cannot be used for transportation or lodging.
- Application deadline for spring seminar scholarship is February 1 and fall conference scholarship is August 1. Applications are reviewed and approved at the February and August MNSWAP board meeting. Recipients will be notified from MNSWAP.
- Applications must be completed and submitted to the MNSWAP.
- Applicant/Recipients must provide proof of attendance.
- Scholarship eligibility is once every three years