A Message from the MNSWAP President….
The desire to form a state organization initially began during the summer of 1983 with the efforts of many interested activity leaders in the state of Minnesota. In the 30 years of existence, MNSWAP has grown to over 800 members. The annual fall conference draws over 400 activity professionals from around the state and is considered one of the top conferences in the nation for quality education and attendance.
The MNSWAP board is comprised of elected officers, committee chairpersons, conference co-chairs, and seven regional representatives from across the state. Click on the Regions under the Communications link to see the region breakdown by county.
You will find information related to activity and recreation professionals on our website. Take some time and explore. If you have questions or comments related to MNSWAP, please feel free to contact me.
Monica Amaya
MNSWAP President
Minnesota Statewide Activity Professional’s Mission
- To provide a source of mutual support and sharing of ideas for all persons in the field of activity programming.
- To promote and offer educational opportunities that specifically address the Activity Professional and the needs of the people they serve.
- To work with other professional groups, regulatory agencies and provider representatives to insure the delivery of activity services in a coordinated, client oriented atmosphere.